
The Capizeño Association was formed in 1995 and we are proud of our heritage. We dedicate this website to all Capizeños in Canada and particularly in the province of Ontario and we invite you to join us by becoming a member. There is no better place to connect with all Capizeños than the Association. Membership and participation in association’s activities offer you many opportunities to meet fellow Capizeños and develop new friendship.

Capizeño’s website offer it’s member a  multitude  of valuable resources to help them stay abreast of what’s going on in our community as we work hard to enhance  and develop this website.

I am inviting all Capizenos to always visit us in your journey through the web. We are just a CLICK away and  we are here to answer your questions , suggestions, comments and keeping you informed.

Welcome again ! Your membership and upcoming participation in all our association’s events are greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you.

Jerome Banate, President 2010


Maintra Ko from Capizeno Association of Ontario on Vimeo.